쿠라고, 헤이진노바 혁신 프로그램 참여 공로를 인정받아 표창 수상

On 11 November this year, we were recognized for our participation in the Hazinnova program, which promotes the implementation of innovation measures in companies in the Basque Country.

The program is sponsored by the SPRI Group and Innobasque-The Basque Innovation Agency, and it has already mentored 395 innovation projects. Hazinnova provides consultancy services for all kinds of micro-projects in innovation, ranging from improving economic-financial management to streamlining the supply and distribution chain, passing through a wide variety of fields.

Innovation is present not only in the solutions we develop but also in our operating methods.

Innovation is the foundation upon which Kurago is built. Innovation is present not only in the solutions we develop but also in our operating methods. We need to find alternative ways of dealing with challenges in order to apply innovative solutions.

Schemes such as Hazinnova, which highlight those projects designed to find a different way of working and provide disruptive solutions, are essential for enabling companies to continue developing with an ongoing commitment to innovation.

관련 게시물

디지털화의 필수 요소, 사이버 보안


쿠라고, 아란타 타피아의 산업 디지털화 프로젝트 및 비전 공유

Corporate Communication

쿠라고는 산업 기업의 디지털 성숙도를 진단할 수 있는 감사 시스템을 개발했습니다.

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쿠라고, 마이크로소프츠 골드 파트너 인증 획득

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쿠라거 정신으로 유니세프와 협력하는 아프리카를 위한 학교 프로그램

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쿠라거 정신으로 환경 문제 해결을 위해 WWF와 협력하고 있습니다.

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