Kurago Spirit is leveling up our support to foster diversity

The results of the Great Place to Work survey show that people in Kurago feel they can be themselves, with 100% positive responses. That is why, in the context of Pride Month, we wanted to ask ourselves what we can do to contribute so that this, which we perceive in our organization, can be extended beyond. 

A fundamental question is that beyond commemorations, we should work actively to become more aware of what still needs to be done and that it is everyone’s job to contribute to further change in society. That is why we have compiled some tips to reflect on how we can be better allies. 

1. Educate Yourself: Knowledge is Power

Commit to lifelong learning! Dive deep into books and articles to understand the systemic inequality and the experiences of marginalized groups. Explore documentaries, podcasts, and online diversity, equity, and inclusion courses. This ongoing education equips you to understand the challenges and fuels the ability to support.

2. Ask, Don’t Assume: What Kind of Ally Do They Need?

Everyone’s needs differ. Avoid making assumptions about what kind of support someone might require. Instead, initiate open conversations. Ask your colleagues how you can best support them in their work and professional development.

3. Listen Up! Empathy Starts with Active Listening

Active listening is the cornerstone of solid allyship. Pay close attention to experiences shared, both positive and negative. Put away distractions and ask clarifying questions to demonstrate genuine interest. By truly listening, you build bridges of empathy and understanding.

4. Check Your Privilege: Understanding Advantages Leads to Action

We all have privileges, whether based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or other factors. Reflect on your advantages and how they may influence your experiences. Once you recognize your privilege, use it to uplift others. 

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Speak Up: Imperfect Allyship is Better Than Silence

Many people hesitate to speak up for fear of saying the wrong thing. However, silence in the face of injustice can be deafening. Be bold and ask questions or seek clarification on sensitive topics. Imperfect allyship is far better than silence.

6. Amplify Their Voices: Give Others a Platform

Use your influence to elevate your other’s voices and ideas. By amplifying their voices, you empower them and contribute to a more inclusive environment.

7. Create an Inclusive Space: Everyone Deserves to Be Heard

A genuinely inclusive space is one where everyone feels comfortable expressing themselves. Actively challenge prejudice and bias. Speak up against discriminatory jokes or comments, and fight for fair treatment and respectful communication.

8. Speak Up When You See Something: Silence is Complicity

Don’t tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form. If you witness something inappropriate, speak up and advocate. 

9. Be a Real Ally: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Allyship goes beyond gestures and performative actions. Take concrete steps to dismantle inequality. Advocate for inclusive behaviors and actively challenge the status quo.

10. Allyship is Year-Round: Pride Month is Just the Beginning

Being an ally is a lifelong commitment, not a one-time event. The spirit of Pride Month should remind us to celebrate diversity and inclusion every day of the year. Continue to educate yourself and work towards a more equitable world for all.

Building a more inclusive world requires an ongoing effort from everyone. By implementing these ally tips, you can become a powerful force for positive change. Remember, the journey toward true allyship is about continuous learning, active listening, and taking concrete steps every day. Let’s work together to create a world where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive.

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